Having married into a third-generation family of full-time metal
craftsmen, over thirty years ago, Scott was instantly hooked and
fascinated with the concept of shaping and attaching metal to metal with
molten material and cutting metal with gas or plasma. The permanence,
strength, and stateliness was, and still is, super impressive.
Loving the outdoors, a good bonfire and or BBQ, Scott has taken the
classic and timeless frontier-style tripod kettle set-up, and beefed
(pun intended) it up into a modern-day display of form and
functionality. That perfection is registered in the United States Patent
and Trademark Office as the Frontier® Kettle. Designed,
manufactured, and fabricated, in the outskirts of a small, twenty-first
century, western frontier city, Scott has bent, rolled, cut, and welded
steel into a classic design with a modern-day flare.
Scott chose to use the National Mammal, the American Bison, as part of
his logomark, paying dual homage to the tripod-hung kettles of
yesteryear, the bison, and their role in America’s history and culture.